The Nursery Got It's Paint On

We are one step closer to being done with the nursery, granted it was the very first step. The walls and trim got successfully painted and it turned out great!
We are one step closer to being done with the nursery, granted it was the very first step. The walls and trim got successfully painted and it turned out great!
Not all white paint is the same, not even close. When I decided to paint the nursery white I did some research on the best one for a bedroom/nursery.
As it turns out, there are so many different whites to choose from, but in so many different shades, that you really have to be careful which one you choose for your specific situation. For us, our crib is gray and so I wanted to pick a white that wouldn't clash with that. I also didn't want the room to feel too cold and gray, so I took that into consideration as well.
We narrowed the immense choice of whites down to 4.
We made headway on the chairs today...woohoo! The chairs were dismantled and got a pretty new coat of paint. Here is what they looked like just before their new digs.
And here is a sneaky peek of what they look like now. So much better. It's not exactly the color I want but it's close enough and I think they'll look great in the room.