Okay so I'm going to break the rules a tiny bit. This blog has a few more than 200 followers but I think they still highly deserve this award.
And the Liebster goes to...(insert drumroll here)
If you saw the answers to my Liebster Award questions you may already know that Cape 27 is my favorite blog. Their style is beautiful and shows true inspiration. I first came across this blog when John and Sherry from Young House Love did a house crash on their home. I loved every single picture I saw and was hooked from that point on. Keep up the good work and I'll keep enjoying it!
Cape 27 was also nominated for The Homies. Go and vote for them, I did!
So, Cape 27, if you would like to pay the award forward, here are the rules:
- Thank the person who awarded you and link back to their blog
- List 11 facts about yourself
- Answer the 11 questions given to you by the awarding blogger
- Create 11 questions for the bloggers you award
- Visit the pages of 11 bloggers you would like to award (200 followers or less) and let them know!
Here are your 11 questions to answer:
- What inspired you to start blogging?
- How long have you been blogging?
- Do you prefer movies or books?
- Where is your ultimate vacation destination?
- Silver or gold?
- What is your favorite color to decorate with?
- What are your top 3 favorite stores to shop?
- What would you call your style of decor?
- Are there any current trends you love?
- What is your favorite DIY project?
- Home body or social butterfly?
- Facebook Like
- Google Plus One
- Log in to post comments